Individual consulting solutions to create the change that’s needed in your organization.


A diagnostic toolkit to pinpoint your cultural strengths and weaknesses.


Personal assessment to nurture leadership in yourself, and in your workforce.


First-hand knowledge to provide expert insight that matches your industry needs.

Achieve Organizational Culture

Change Success

Build the path to high performance.

Change happens when an organization aligns around a mission, establishes clear priorities, and offers concrete steps toward achieving them. Our change methodology begins with our expert team gaining a deep understanding of your organization. They build on this to craft a customized approach toward achieving higher performance in your organization, then walk with you to realize the change you’re seeking.

Identify opportunities and track progress with customized analytics.

Our expertise is in employing data analytics to drive change–enhancing productivity and business gain. We craft a data collection and analytics plan that is right for you based on an understanding of your needs and a review of existing initiatives and data.

Our Denison suite of tools in Culture and Leadership, and the pulse survey tool from our partner, Waggl, often serve as core pieces in your analytics plan. The Denison Model is a highly effective tool that provides a foundational view of your culture. We combine insights from the Denison Model and other data sources, to help you drive progress. To learn more about the Denison model, click on the graphic to the right or view this video.


The management of culture in an organization whose members are always on the move.

Improving culture scores and being named as the Speciality Retailer of 2017

A transformation that didn’t require thousands of dollars, but a new way of interacting.


Read about the latest trends in Culture.

Articles and news on how we help organizations improve business performance by focusing on organizational culture and leadership development.


Denison Consulting has offices in North America and Europe, and a global partner network which can provide localization services in over 50 languages.

U.S. Headquarters: (734) 997.6933 AnnArbor | Michigan

European Headquarters: +41.71.911.3406
Weinfelden | Switzerland

Organizational Culture and Leadership Development: Denison Consulting

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