Shhh…a Nod to Quiet Discipline The change management literature and business press are infatuated with terms such as Radical, Transformational, Revolutionary, Break-through and Seismic. We love [...]
Understanding the difference between Organisational Culture and Climate. In working with organisations to improve their culture, we often notice confusion about what “culture” means. What many [...]
Distinguishing between individual engagement and culture. Engagement and culture are hot topics today. While they are related they are also too often talked about as though they are one in the [...]
Women and the Path to Leadership Given the high percentage of women in the workforce (nearing 50% in the U.S.), it seems surprising that more women don’t occupy executive positions in our [...]
In recent decades, there has been a great increase in the number of women in the workforce. In the U.S., women hold 49.1% of overall jobs and fill more than half of managerial, professional, and [...]