Content Modules

Our Organizational Culture Content Modules are designed to provide greater insight into employee commitment, organizational innovation, employee engagement y organizational trust. Each module has been rigorously developed through an academic review of the topic and validated statistically in pilot studies. They are benchmarked against a database of organizations to provide you with greater accuracy y clarity about where you stand.

Compromiso de los Empleados

Are your employees emotionally attached to the organization? Are they committed out of necessity? Do they have thoughts about employment elsewhere?

The Employee Commitment Module™ is designed to assess how much and in what ways employees are committed to their organization. This module enhances information about organizational-level commitment gathered by the Soluciones y los Productos de Organizational Culture Survey, by generating deeper insight into employees‘ attachment to the organization and their turnover intentions.

The Content

  1. I am highly committed to this organization.
  2. I would recommend working for this organization to others.
  3. I feel a strong personal connection to this organization.
  4. It would be difficult for me to leave this organization.
  5. I continue to work here more out of choice than necessity.
  6. I rarely think about looking for a job with another organization.

Innovación Organizacional

Is your organization able to generate novel ideas (creativity) and implement them?  Do those implementations lead to positive outcomes?  Do you have the skills and creativity today to meet tomorrow’s challenges?

Nuestra Organizational Innovation Module™ enhances information gathered by the Organizational Culture Survey about the values and behaviors that are important to facilitating innovation by measuring your capacity to make productive use of new ideas.

The Content

  1. People are encouraged to be creative.
  2. We are able to implement new ideas.
  3. New ideas are continually evaluated and improved upon.
  4. Support for developing new ideas is readily available.
  5. Innovation is a large part of our business activities.


Do your employees take pride in what they do? Are they interested in and passionate about their work? Does your organization foster excitement and enthusiasm in its workforce?

Nuestra Employee Engagement Module™ is designed to assess your employee engagement, a heightened positive, emotional state in relation to one’s work or organization.

This module enhances information about organization-level work practices gathered by the Organizational Culture Survey by capturing the discretionary effort and energizing aspect of engagement in individuals in relation to their work and organization.

The Content

  1. My work drives me to go the extra mile.
  2. I am enthusiastic about working for this organization.
  3. I am proud to work for this organization.
  4. I am passionate about my work.
  5. My work energizes me.

Confianza Organizacional

Do your employees believe that their best interests are considered? Do people communicate honestly and openly? Is business conducted with integrity by adhering to moral and ethical standards?

Nuestra Organizational Trust Module™ module is designed to assess your organization’s level of trust: the belief that co-workers have positive motives and intentions and that others can be relied upon.

This module enhances information gathered by the Organizational Culture Survey about the reliability and competence components of trust by capturing employee perceptions of several additional key components: organizational honesty, openness, integrity and benevolence/compassion.

The Content

  1. In this organization, decisions are made with employees’ best interests in mind.
  2. People in this organization have good motives and intentions.
  3. This organization conducts business with integrity.
  4. The people who work here are honest.
  5. Employees consider this organization to be trustworthy.

Administración de Seguridad

Does your organization have effective safety management practices? Are your leaders committed to safety as a priority? Are employees able to report safety issues quickly and are leaders quick to act?

Nuestra Safety Management Module™ measures how organizations support safe behaviors and work practices. It is designed to complement the Organizational Culture Survey, and provides additional insight into other centrally-related components of safety management.

The Content

  1. All leaders demonstrate strong commitment to safety.
  2. Safety is the number one priority in everything we do.
  3. We have all the tools and resources needed to work safely.
  4. Employees take personal ownership for each other’s safety.
  5. Employees contribute to the development of our safety practices.
  6. We always work safely, even under high pressure.
  7. We continually look for new ways to work safely.
  8. We work to gain a deep understanding of all near-misses (or “close calls”).
  9. People from different parts of the organization work together in a way that ensures their safety.
  10. All safety issues are reported quickly to leaders and managers.
  11. Leaders and managers act quickly to resolve all safety issues.
  12. Considering everything, this organization is a very safe place to work.

Gestión de Riesgos

Does your organization have effective Risk Management practices? Do you effectively identify and analyze potential risks? Do they know how to handle risks when they arise?

Nuestra Risk Management Module™ measures the effectiveness of risk management practices in an organization. It is designed to complement our Organizational Culture Survey by specifically capturing employee perceptions of various aspects of risk management.

The Content

  1. We continually look out for new risks.
  2. We monitor all risks, even when they seem minor.
  3. We gather useful information to better understand the risks we face.
  4. Employees are comfortable speaking up about risks.
  5. Leaders ask employees about risks in a way that encourages open and honest discussions.
  6. We have a thorough process for deciding how to respond to potential risks.
  7. There is wide agreement about how much risk we are willing to take.
  8. How we handle risk is consistent and predictable.
  9. We have a proactive planning process for the risks we face.
  10. Considering everything, we manage our risks very effectively.

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