Karl-Heinz OehlerPartner and Managing Director Europe

Karl-Heinz serves as Partner and Managing Director for Denison Consulting’s European operations, and is based in the Lake Constance region of Switzerland. He has deep expertise in culture change, and is “passionate about developing high performance cultures and championing human capital strategies in which engaged employees drive exceptional results.”

With over 30 years of experience focused in global HR and OD, senior line leadership and consulting, Karl-Heinz has led OD and effectiveness initiatives and large-scale change management projects throughout the world.

More video insights from Karl-Heinz Oehler

Click on the video titles below:

• Senior Leader Sponsorship

• The Path to High Performance

• Your Goals Direct Our Work

Read Karl-Heinz’s latest Transform article about emotions in decision making.



He is the recipient of numerous awards highlighting his HR vision and expertise, including the Talent Leadership Award at the 2012 World HRD Congress, the 2012 High Performance Award from the Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp), and both the HR & Business Success Award and the Dave Ulrich Award of HCM Excellence at the 2011 European HCM Excellence Awards.

Karl-Heinz is a popular speaker and author, with articles appearing in numerous publications, including Training Industry Quarterly and Talent Engagement Review. In addition, he contributed chapters to The Integrated Talent Management Scorecards (ASTD 2013) and The Executive Guide to Integrated Talent Management (ASTD, 2011).

Former Board Member of Human Resource People & Strategy (HRPS), Karl-Heinz is a certified organizational auditor of the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM), and is currently an affiliate of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), and a member of the Board of the Association of Change Management Professionals.

A German national, Karl-Heinz holds master’s degrees in Social Psychology and Economics, both from the University of Düsseldorf.

Now based in Switzerland, Karl-Heinz has lived and worked in Korea, Singapore, the U.S., the U.K., Finland, Sweden, France and Germany.

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