Do you recognize employee achievement as part of your culture? As the old year ends and a new year begins, it’s a good time to look back—and forward—at the achievements of your employees. Do you [...]
Whether you do it publicly or privately, acknowledging employee achievement should be part of the habits and practices of your organizational culture. #CultureQuote
Catch up on our top culture blogs of 2016 to build inspiration for 2017. As 2016 winds down, we know many of our readers will be planning ahead for 2017. As you pull together your goals for next [...]
As you set your business goals for 2017, plan ahead for some key culture initiatives. That could include leadership training, better incorporation of your recent acquisition, or a new pulse [...]
Building a high performance culture vocabulary sends a strong message and provides the terminology required to share culture experiences and its impact at a collective level. #CultureQuote