Denison’s Certified Professional Resources
Tools to maximize performance
Welcome to Denison’s Certified Professional Resource Center.
The Denison Certified Professional (DCP) Resource Center was designed with your needs in mind. This center offers you the tools to provide timely, accurate, and useful information to your clients. It also allows you access to the best research, presentations, guides, and other resources Denison Consulting has to offer.
Denison Certified Professionals handle the client interface, while your Denison Team manages the survey project. Denison gives Certified Professionals access to all marketing materials, all consulting support materials, and generally supports your marketing efforts in any way possible. A Denison Client Manager supports the survey process, and can work directly with you if preferred. Denison can also co-sponsor workshops or marketing events to support your needs.

Culture Process
Your client is interested in doing a culture survey, what are the details you need to know?
- Organization head count, languages, demographic information, modules added, survey launch date.
- Utilize our intake-questionnaire—a one-page questionnaire to help you ask the necessary questions while still having an engaging conversation.
I have the collected the information that I need, what do I do with it?
- Once you have collected the necessary information, organize it in our ‘client-spec-form.’
- Here is a helpful video on how to utilize this document.
Once I have the necessary information, who do I contact to get the process started?
- If you have an established contact at Denison, please reach out to that team member with your ‘client-spec-form’ letting them know timeline in which you need to launch your survey. If you are not presently working with a Denison team member, please contact us.
I have met with my Denison team member and given them the necessary information. What's next?
- Once you have met with your Denison team member, they will provide sample communication guides and help you determine survey administration types to help your client determine the best communication plan and administration type based on the employee population.
The survey has been launched, what do I need to do during the survey?
- Monitoring the response rate will be critical to ensure full participation. Your Denison Client Manager will provide you with a response rate monitoring link to see live updates.
The survey has closed, how do I get my reports?
- Once the survey has been closed, you will be provided with a link to our web reporting dashboard that will allow you to see all cuts of the data. Based on the demographic information you provided, you will be able to view and export all reports (as long as the reporting group is at least 3 people). All reports are exportable in PPT or PDF format.

Leadership Process
Denison Leadership 360
Leadership Global Benchmark: 17,000+ leaders included in the normative database, from over 800 companies and rated by over 200,000 bosses, peers, and direct reports. A wide variety of industries, job function, management level, and tenure represented. Benchmarks are stable across years.
- 360 instrument based on the Denison Leadership Model (Leadership 360 Overview)
- 96 scaled items; 2 open ended items
- 20+ languages
- Reliable & valid across cultures
- Leadership Development Solutions
Denison Leadership Potential Report (DLPR)
Developed in partnership with Hogan Assessment Systems™, the Denison Leadership Potential Report (DLPR) is a tool that provides a valid prediction of a leader’s likely performance. This is accomplished by aligning an individual’s inherent leadership attributes — as measured by Hogan assessment tools — to the twelve competencies of the Denison Leadership Model.
I have identified a leader (or leaders) that I would like to run a 360 for, what are the initial steps needed to launch?
- You first need to identify the raters that will participate in the 360. Examples of raters groups—boss, peers, direct reports, etc.
- Identify launch date, close date of surveys
I have launched the 360, how do I know if the raters have completed their 360?
- Your Client Manager will provide you with response rate monitoring links. Based on this information, you’ll be able to determine if you need to extend the survey.
How will I receive my reports?
- Your client manager will provide your reports through a secure file sharing system or via email depending on the amount of leaders surveyed.
Additional Resources
Denison Organizational Culture Survey (DOCS)
Through our research, Denison Consulting has identified four key drivers of high performance—mission, adaptability, involvement and consistency—that indicate where to focus. We’ve developed the Denison Culture Model that measures these four drivers reflected in four primary colors. Simply put, the more color, the better the results.
Denison Content Modules
The supplementary Denison Culture Content Modules are additional assessment components that can be added to the Denison Organizational Culture Survey (DOCS) to provide greater insight.
Custom Content Development
Create a unique survey measurement to capture data on a concept or area outside Denison’s survey library. Denison’s Performance Analytics provides expert support to create custom survey content to measure the concept and areas most important to you. Our Ph.D. – level team gives you the assurance that any custom item, scale, or open-ended question will gather the highest quality and most actionable data. If you have already drafted custom survey content, let our expert team review them to ensure your survey collects the best and most actionable data.
Composites and Benchmarks allow for the comparison of your organization’s culture scores to other like organizations, including options such as Industry (e.g., Financial Services, Retail & Wholesale, Healthcare, Manufacturing), Region (e.g., North America, Europe), and World Class (e.g., Top 25%, Top 10%). Composites provide a snapshot of the culture for similar organizations (i.e., a circumplex). Benchmarks allow for reports to be generated comparing your organization’s culture scores to only those organizations in the custom benchmark, where percentiles in the reports represent how your organization scores relative to other like organizations.
Denison’s Global Benchmark:
- Based on over 1,000 organizations
- Robust geographic and industry representation
- Benchmarks stable across years
- International representation:
- Approximately 35% of organizations in the database were headquartered outside the United States
- 40% of the survey respondents were located outside of the U.S.
- We recommend Global Normative Database as the most robust and stable point of comparison
- Industry and custom benchmarks available as a service
Waggl License
Explore our partnership with Waggl, a cutting edge technology platform that gives you employee insights in real time.
Waggl is a real-time pulse communication platform that delivers actionable insight to employees, teams and leaders. Waggl accelerates action:
- Address your most important priorities surfaced from the DOCS
- Engage your team/organization in creating the solution
- Consistent pulsing allows leadership to stay up on the pulse of the organization
- Real-time results can be shared to create greater ownership and confidence
Denison Change Monitor (Denison Pulse Survey)
The Denison Organizational Culture Change Monitor allows a company to resurvey their personnel after the initial survey on two to three customer-selected indices. The Change Monitor report measures the difference between the first and second set of survey results, which helps ensure that the organization follows through with its action plans as well as tests the effectiveness of its change initiative.
Custom Solutions
Every organization is unique, working in a niche market that differs from a typical organization. Understand how your culture scores compare to organizations just like yours. Denison’s Performance Analytics helps you understand how your unique organization compares to similar organizations (e.g., industry, size). Using data from thousands of organizations, Denison’s database provides you with the exciting opportunity to create the right benchmark to meet your needs.
Sampling Plan
Collect data from a subset of your employee population while ensuring their perceptions will best represent everyone. Denison’s Performance Analytics provides expert support to build a population sample that is sufficient to represent the organization as a whole. Use our sampling support to select a survey population, interview list, or focus group.
Performance Analytics
Performance Analytics Overview
Our Performance Analytics capabilities help you uncover new insights and patterns in your culture and leadership data. By linking your culture and leadership data to your business metrics, Denison’s Ph.D.-level team can pull together multiple data sources, design the right analysis, generate insights, and recommend action to focus your resources on improving performance.
Conceptual & Data Mapping
View your past surveys, tools, and models through the lens of our research-backed and intuitive Denison Model. Denison’s Performance Analytics scientifically compares your past survey’s tools and models to our research-backed and intuitive Denison Model. This knowledge will allow you to design a custom Denison Culture Survey that takes advantage of our valid, reliable, and benchmarked assessments while ensuring we continue to measure the concepts and areas you care about most.
Text Analysis
Make sense of and take action on the large volume of feedback that open-ended questions produce. Draw out the connections between the open-ended feedback and the survey results. Develop a summary report of the analysis, including a list of the main themes, descriptions of each theme, representative comments for each theme, and key insights.
Demographic Analysis
Driver Analysis
Understand how culture relates to outcomes and where action can be focused to impact change in outcomes of interest. Denison’s Performance Analytics connects the dots between culture and outcomes, like employee engagement. With the Driver Analysis, you will be able to pinpoint the areas of your culture that will have the greatest impact on the outcomes you care most about. This knowledge will allow you to make targeted interventions to maximize impact.
Performance Linkage Analysis
Understand how your culture, leadership behavior, or any “people data” are impacting your KPIs. Denison’s Performance Analytics connect the dots between culture and business performance metrics. With the Linkage Analysis, you will be able to pinpoint the areas of your culture that will have the greatest impact on the KPIs you care most about. This knowledge will allow you to make targeted interventions to maximize impact.
Interview & Focus Group Analysis
Make sense of and take action on the large volume of feedback that interviews and focus groups produce. Draw out the connections between the qualitative feedback and the survey results. Analyze the key themes and suggestions from documented interviews and focus groups.
Develop a summary report of the analysis, identifying key themes, and highlighting impactful comments and suggestions.
Leader-Culture Fit Analysis
Visualize how leadership and culture interact, and how one can be used to support the other. Denison’s Performance Analytics can compare your leadership and culture against a proven framework. These findings will help you identify where your culture and leadership competencies work together and where they are working against each other. This knowledge will help you hire and develop the leaders that can shape the culture you want and need.
Change Over Time Analysis
Understand how your culture, engagement, or leadership behavior has changed over time. Denison’s Performance Analytics gives you the ability to view assessment scores across multiple years. With this capability, your organization can determine significant and meaningful improvements and remaining opportunities. This knowledge will help you reinforce your new strengths and pivot to address arising needs.