Transformation & Turnaround
An organization may find itself in a distressed situation. It may be financial distress, the inability to meet growth targets, shrinking margins, unwanted turnover, or industry disruptions. Turning an organization around requires leaders to face the facts. That includes understanding the current culture and existing practices and habits that are negatively impacting performance. The people within an organization will make or break a turnaround strategy based on their ability to align around and act upon a plan.
So, how do you turn your people into your greatest asset?
Our Solution
Distress is often driven by a range of both internal and external factors. Action is required to face these factors. The Denison Model and diagnostics provide a roadmap for focused action.
Our performance-rooted culture model provides a systemic look at the internal and external aspects of culture. Our Advanced Analytics solutions help link those aspects of culture tangibly to the metrics and KPIs that matter most to your turnaround. This allows leaders to target their limited resources on the aspects of culture that impact business performance.

Our Process
- DiscoveryThrough interviews with leaders, our Senior Consultants are able to find potential gaps in alignment at the top levels of your organization.
- PlanningYour Denison Team will work with you to define key milestones and objectives to ensure your investment in Denison pays off.
- DiagnosisTurnarounds require leaders to track and measure a few key business metrics, and culture is one of those metrics. The Denison Organizational Culture Survey (DOCS) will measure the cultural attributes proven to boost business performance.This information helps leaders understand whether employees buy into the key priorities, if customer focus is on track, where people are collaborating, and if needed skills are present.The Denison Leadership 360 will help identify key leaders and talent who can support the turnaround and drive the changes needed for business success.
- Honest ConversationWith the data in hand, Denison will help your leaders develop a common understanding of the culture and set priorities for change.
- Action PlanningOur Senior Consultants will help your organization turn your leaders’ priorities into tangible and realistic roadmaps for change – including owners, resources, and timelines.
- Implementation & Sustainable ImprovementFeedback loops and tracking mechanisms will help you ensure your actions are being taken and having the desired impact. Our Waggl pulse solution allows you to efficiently hold managers accountable for action and crowdsource ideas for improvement.