Journal Articles
Linking culture and leadership
to the metrics you care most about
to the metrics you care most about
Explore our library of peer-reviewed and published articles linking culture and leadership to the metrics you care most about.

Bringing Corporate Culture to the Bottom Line: Short and Long-Term Performance
This classic study was one of the first to show a close link between organizational culture and organizational performance.
Do Consistent Corporate Cultures Have Better Business Performance?
Strong, consistent cultures are a big advantage, except when everything is well integrated around the values of the past.
Paradox & Performance: Towards a Theory of Behavioral Complexity
This study shows that organizational cultures that manage complexity and trade-offs perform better.
Towards a Theory of Organizational Culture & Effectiveness
This paper uses case studies and survey data to explore the relationship between organizational culture and effectiveness.
Which Comes First, Organizational Culture, or Performance?
This article analyzes culture & performance and shows that our culture measures are a good predictor of customer satisfaction.
Linking Organizational Culture & Customer Satisfaction
Organizational culture has a big impact on customer satisfaction. These two studies show the results.
Habits as Change Levers
This paper provides a useful framework for understanding the deeper human and social elements of organization change: the culture perspective.

A Cross-Cultural Perspective on Leadership Assessment
Leadership 360 results from leaders in over 20 countries show a lot of commonalities, and a few important differences.
Corporate Culture & Organizational Effectiveness: Is Asia Different?
This frequently cited study shows that culture results from organizations in Europe, Asia, and North America have a lot of commonalities.
Organizational Culture & Effectiveness: Can American Theory Be Applied in Russia?
This study shows how our method can be used to understand performance differences among Russian companies.
Workplace Diversity: Is National or Organization Culture Predominant?
High levels of involvement are essential to managing diversity on a global scale.
Corporate Culture & Organizational Effectiveness: Is There a Similar Pattern Around the World?
Results from Europe, Asia, and North America show commonality across cultures.
Why Work With Denison? Por Qué Con Denison (Article in Spanish)
Why one of Denison’s partners set themselves the challenge of being Denison’s Strategic Partner in Spain.
How to Overcome the Five Fears of the EFQM 2020 Journey
By José Antonio Calvo Mainar, Qualitas, Denison Strategic Partner, Spain

Aligning Leadership & Culture: The Leader-Culture Fit Framework
Coaching leaders with an eye to their organizational context makes a big difference.
Executive Coaching: Leader Behavior Changes with Feedback and Coaching
Coaching makes leaders much more aware of their style as a manager.
Integrated Change Between Leader & Organizational Development
Integrating organizational and leadership development efforts help create the future.

Cultural Due Diligence in Mergers & Acquisitions
This study takes stock of the existing research in the area of cultural due diligence and evaluates the strengths and limitations.
Cultural Integration in Cross-Borders M&As
This article provides an overview of how to approach culture in both Mergers and Acquisitions.

What Practice Needs from Science Regarding Innovation Management
Organizations that manage both “market-in” and “organization-out” knowledge flows are the best innovators.
From Chimneys to Cross-Functional Teams: Developing a Diagnostic Model
This method was designed to highlight the differences between effective and ineffective new product development teams.

Diagnosing Organizational Cultures: Culture Effectiveness Surveys
This article gives an overview of diagnostic methods and presents a validation study of our method.
What is the Difference Between Organizational Culture & Climate?
This classic academic article presents an overview and integration of culture and climate research.