Report Samples

Our unique diagnostic process will help determine where your culture stands.  Here are some samples of the reports that bring the picture into focus.

Standard Culture Report

The sample includes the Circumplex, Module Report, Custom Item Report, Item Detail, and Highest-Lowest charts …

Standard Comparison Report

The sample includes the Circumplex, Index Detail, Item Detail, and Highest-Lowest charts in a 1:1 comparison view …

Multi-Segment Report with Primary Segment

The sample includes the Circumplex, Index Detail, and Item Detail charts, comparing multiple data segments to a primary segment…

Multi-Segment Report without Primary Segment

The sample includes the Circumplex, Index Detail, and Item Detail charts, comparing multiple segments with no primary reference…

Module Report

The sample includes the standard Module Chart (Employee Engagement)…

Module Comparison Report

The sample includes the Module Chart (Employee Engagement) in a 1:1 comparison view…

Module Report – Multi-Segment with Primary Segment

The sample includes the Module Chart (Employee Engagement), comparing multiple data segments to a primary segment…

Module Report – Multi-Segment without Primary Segment

The sample includes the Module Chart (Employee Engagement), comparing multiple data segments with no primary reference…

Custom Item Report

Sample includes the standard report for custom survey items …

Custom Item Comparison Report

Sample includes the custom survey item report in a 1:1 comparison view …

Text Analytics Report

Text Analysis offering that highlights top themes from responses to any open-text survey item.

Merger & Acquisition Text Analytics Report

A Text Analysis offering that explores employee expectations around organizational culture following a merger or acquisition.

Driver Analysis by Segment

Sample includes group-specific module scores and Top 10 Driver items, allowing for a detailed understanding of how cultural drivers of key outcomes vary by groups.

Driver Analysis Report

Sample includes the Driver Analysis report (Employee Engagement module) …

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